Saturday 15 July 2017

What is a semaphore?

A semaphore is a data structure that maintains a set of permits that have to be acquired by competing threads. Semaphores can therefore be used to control how many threads access a critical section or resource simultaneously. Hence the constructor of java.util.concurrent.Semaphore takes as first parameter the number of permits the threads compete about. Each invocation of its acquire() methods tries to obtain one of the available permits. The method acquire()without any parameter blocks until the next permit gets available. Later on, when the thread has finished its work on the critical resource, it can release the permit by invoking the method release() on an instance of Semaphore.

Which rules do you have to follow in order to implement an immutable class?

  • All fields should be final and private.
  • There should be not setter methods.
  • The class itself should be declared final in order to prevent subclasses to violate the principle of immutability.
  • If fields are not of a primitive type but a reference to another object:
    • There should not be a getter method that exposes the reference directly to the caller.
    • Don’t change the referenced objects (or at least changing these references is not visisble to clients of the object).

What do you have to consider when passing object instances from one thread to another?

When passing objects between threads, you will have to pay attention that these objects are not manipulated by two threads at the same time. An example would be a Map implementation whose key/value pairs are modified by two concurrent threads. In order to avoid problems with concurrent modifications you can design an object to be immutable.

What does the method Thread.yield() do?

An invocation of the static method Thread.yield() gives the scheduler a hint that the current thread is willing to free the processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this hint. As it is not defined which thread will get the processor after the invocation of Thread.yield(), it may even happen that the current thread becomes the “next” thread to be executed.

What do we understand by thread starvation?

Threads with lower priority get less time for execution than threads with higher priority. When the threads with lower priority performs a long enduring computations, it may happen that these threads do not get enough time to finish their computations just in time. They seem to “starve” away as threads with higher priority steal them their computation time.

Is it possible to implement a deadlock detection?

When all exclusive locks are monitored and modelled as a directed graph, a deadlock detection system can search for two threads that are each waiting on the other thread to free a resource that it has locked. The waiting threads can then be forced by some kind of exception to release the lock the other thread is waiting on.

Is it possible to prevent deadlocks at all?

In order to prevent deadlocks one (or more) of the requirements for a deadlock has to be eliminated:
  • Mutual exclusion: In some situation it is possible to prevent mutual exclusion by using optimistic locking.
  • Resource holding: A thread may release all its exclusive locks, when it does not succeed in obtaining all exclusive locks.
  • No preemption: Using a timeout for an exclusive lock frees the lock after a given amount of time.
  • Circular wait: When all exclusive locks are obtained by all threads in the same sequence, no circular wait occurs.

What are the requirements for a deadlock situation?

In general the following requirements for a deadlock can be identified:
  • Mutual exclusion: There is a resource which can be accessed only by one thread at any point in time.
  • Resource holding: While having locked one resource, the thread tries to acquire another lock on some other exclusive resource.
  • No preemption: There is no mechanism, which frees the resource if one thread holds the lock for a specific period of time.
  • Circular wait: During runtime a constellation occurs in which two (or more) threads are each waiting on the other thread to free a resource that it has locked.

What do we understand by a deadlock?

A deadlock is a situation in which two (or more) threads are each waiting on the other thread to free a resource that it has locked, while the thread itself has locked a resource the other thread is waiting on:
Thread 1: locks resource A, waits for resource B
Thread 2: locks resource B, waits for resource A

What do we understand by an atomic operation?

An atomic operation is an operation that is either executed completely or not at all.

After having started a child thread, how do we wait in the parent thread for the termination of the child thread?

Waiting for a thread’s termination is done by invoking the method join() on the thread’s instance variable: --

How should an InterruptedException be handled?

Methods like sleep() and join() throw an InterruptedException to tell the caller that another thread has interrupted this thread. In most cases this is done in order to tell the current thread to stop its current computations and to finish them unexpectedly. Hence ignoring the exception by catching it and only logging it to the console or some log file is often not the appropriate way to handle this kind of exception. The problem with this exception is, that the method run() of the Runnable interface does not allow that run() throws any exceptions. So just rethrowing it does not help. This means the implementation of run() has to handle this checked exception itself and this often leads to the fact that it its caught and ignored.

What is a daemon thread?

A daemon thread is a thread whose execution state is not evaluated when the JVM decides if it should stop or not. The JVM stops when all user threads (in contrast to the daemon threads) are terminated. Hence daemon threads can be used to implement for example monitoring functionality as the thread is stopped by the JVM as soon as all user threads have stopped:

The example application above terminates even though the daemon thread is still running in its endless while loop.

What is the output of the following code?


The code above produces the output “main” and not “myThread”. As can be seen in line two of the main() method, we invoke by mistake the method run() instead of start(). Hence, no new thread is started, but the method run() gets executed within the main thread.

How do we stop a thread in Java?

To stop a thread one can use a volatile reference pointing to the current thread that can be set to null by other threads to indicate the current thread should stop its execution:


What do you mean by thread starvation?

Answer.  When thread does not enough CPU for its execution Thread starvation happens.
Thread starvation may happen in following scenarios >
  • Low priority threads gets less CPU (time for execution) as compared to high priority threads. Lower priority thread may starve away waiting to get enough CPU to perform calculations.
  • In deadlock two threads waits for each other to release lock holded by them on resources. There both Threads starves away to get CPU.
  • Thread might be waiting indefinitely for lock on object’s monitor (by calling wait() method), because no other thread is calling notify()/notifAll() method on object. In that case, Thread starves away to get CPU.
  • Thread might be waiting indefinitely for lock on object’s monitor (by calling wait() method), but notify() may be repeatedly awakening some other threads. In that case also Thread starves away to get CPU.

As stop() method is deprecated, How can we terminate or stop infinitely running thread in java?

Infinitely running thread can be stopped using interrupt() method.

Let’s understand Why stop() method is deprecated :
Stopping a thread with Thread.stop() causes it to release all of the monitors that it has locked. If any of the objects previously protected by these monitors were in an inconsistent state, the damaged objects become visible to other threads, which might lead to unpredictable behavior.

IMP - How can you ensure all threads that started from main must end in order in which they started and also main should end in last?

We can use join() methodto ensure all threads that started from main must end in order in which they started and also main should end in last.In other words waits for this thread to die. Calling join() method internally calls join(0);

IMP - We should implement Runnable interface or extend Thread class. What are differences between implementing Runnable and extending Thread?

Well the answer is you must extend Thread only when you are looking to modify run() and other methods as well. 

If you are simply looking to modify only the run() method implementing Runnable is the best option (Runnable interface has only one abstract method i.e. run() ).  

Differences between implementing Runnable interface and extending Thread class -

  1. Multiple inheritance in not allowed in java : When we implement Runnable interface we can extend another class as well, but if we extend Thread class we cannot extend any other class because java does not allow multiple inheritance. So, same work is done by implementing Runnable and extending Thread but in case of implementing Runnable we are still left with option of extending some other class. So, it’s better to implement Runnable.
  2. Thread safety : When we implement Runnable interface, same object is shared amongst multiple threads, but when we extend Thread class each and every thread gets associated with new object. 
  3. Inheritance (Implementing Runnable is lightweight operation) : When we extend Thread unnecessary all Thread class features are inherited, but when we implement Runnable interface no extra feature are inherited, as Runnable only consists only of one abstract method i.e. run() method. So, implementing Runnable is lightweight operation.
  4. Coding to interface : Even java recommends coding to interface. So, we must implement Runnable rather than extending thread. Also, Thread class implements Runnable interface.
  5. Don’t extend unless you wanna modify fundamental behaviour of class, Runnable interface has only one abstract method i.e. run()  : We must extend Thread only when you are looking to modify run() and other methods as well. If you are simply looking to modify only the run() method implementing Runnable is the best option (Runnable interface has only one abstract method i.e. run() ). We must not extend Thread class unless we're looking to modify fundamental behaviour of Thread class.
  6. Flexibility in code when we implement Runnable : When we extend Thread first a fall all thread features are inherited and our class becomes direct subclass of Thread , so whatever action we are doing is in Thread class. But, when we implement Runnable we create a new thread and pass runnable object as parameter,we could pass runnable object to executorService & much more. So, we have more options when we implement Runnable and our code becomes more flexible.
  7. ExecutorService : If we implement Runnable, we can start multiple thread created on runnable object  with ExecutorService (because we can start Runnable object with new threads), but not in the case when we extend Thread (because thread can be started only once).

MultiThreading Questions